[Quick Wins] The 17 Wealth Files To Get Rich


Merry Chrimbo and Happy Friday, family.

I recently read Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker and realized I had some unhelpful beliefs possibly creating blocks to getting rich.

I highly recommend reading the book (a five-hour listen on Audible), but if nothing else, here are the bookā€™s 17 ā€˜wealth filesā€™ā€”inner beliefs about money and the world, and how they differ between the wealthy and the poor + middle classes.

For each, I encourage you to ask yourself whether you have the ā€œrich peopleā€ or ā€œpoor peopleā€ belief, and how that could be playing out in the way you make, manage, and grow money.

But first, a quick announcement: Iā€™m giving away free journals (the fancy leather joints, not the bum-ass fourth grader one from Walmart) PLUS a free eBook filled with journal prompts to have you all self-aware and introspective and whatnot. Peep the program:

The Wealth Files

Wealth File #1: Rich people believe ā€œI create my life.ā€ Poor people believe ā€œLife happens to me.ā€

  • Action: The next time a problem pops into your life, reframe from a victim mindset (ā€œthis happened to meā€) to full accountability to resolve the problem regardless of who created it.

Wealth File #2: Rich people play the money game to win. Poor people play the money game to not lose.

  • Action: Evaluate whether you invest or donā€™t invest your moneyā€”are you trying to grow your wealth or simply minimize loss?

Wealth File #3: Rich people are committed to being rich. Poor people want to be rich.

  • Action: Thinkā€”do you simply want to be wealthy but leave it as a daydream? Or do you commit and take the necessary steps to become wealthy?

Wealth File #4: Rich people think big. Poor people think small.

  • Action: In your current endeavor (a business, a goal, a trip), how can you break the limits of your current thinking and think big? For my business, I stopped thinking about a one-location model and started thinking of scaling internationally.

Wealth File #5: Rich people focus on opportunities. Poor people focus on obstacles.

  • Action: Where are there opportunities in your life?

Wealth File #6: Rich people admire other rich and successful people. Poor people resent rich and successful people.

  • Action: Think about your overall view of wealthy peopleā€”do you see them as giving, loving, and smart? Do you see them as greedy, corrupt, and evil?

Wealth File #7: Rich people associate with positive, successful people. Poor people associate with negative or unsuccessful people.

  • Action: Find successful people to learn from; drop negative friends.

Wealth File #8: Rich people are willing to promote themselves and their value. Poor people think negatively about selling and promotion.

  • Action: Think about your strengths and how you can market them.

Wealth File #9: Rich people are bigger than their problems. Poor people are smaller than their problems.

  • Action: Reframe problems as something you are bigger than. E.g., a 9/10 person can easily solve a 6/10 problem, whereas that same problem is daunting for a 4/10 person.

Wealth File #10: Rich people are excellent receivers. Poor people are poor receivers.

  • Action: Practice receiving and allowing others to give to you.

Wealth File #11: Rich people choose to get paid based on results. Poor people choose to get paid based on time.

  • Action: Reframe your work or business to be paid in terms of output, not time.

Wealth File #12: Rich people think ā€œbothā€. Poor people think ā€œeither/orā€.

  • Action: In a decision youā€™re currently facing, how can you attain ā€œbothā€?

Wealth File #13: Rich people focus on their net worth. Poor people focus on their working income.

  • Action: Know your net worth. Then, strategize ways to increase it.

Wealth File #14: Rich people manage their money well. Poor people mismanage their money well.

  • Action: Create an investment plan for all income/savings above your living expenses and emergency fund.

Wealth File #15: Rich people have their money work hard for them. Poor people work hard for their money.

  • Action: Invest in income-producing assets.

Wealth File #16: Rich people act in spite of fear. Poor people let fear stop them.

  • Action: Be reckless and take a risky investment like me (JUST KIDDING). Rather, do the free version of this by simply facing a small fear in your everyday lifeā€”feeling the fear, taking action, and feeling the sense of reward after. *comfort zone expanded*

Wealth File #17: Rich people constantly learn and grow. Poor people think they already know.

  • Action: Whatā€™s a skill youā€™ve always wanted to learn? Why not start learning it now?!

To your continued growth and travels, good sires and madams,

MedellĆ­n, Colombia | December 2024


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